Well when we got up this morning, the house was cool... what we didn't realize was that our furnace had went out... I had already made plans to go to a LYS for the day with a friend, so I just let hubby handle it... because let's face it, I know nothing about the furnace anyway....
I leave on my merry little way..to spend the day with friends...knitting ... oh of course I do call every couple hours to check on how things are going....
Well it's not good... the part that went bad.... the furnace man doesn't carry... oh and of course today is Saturday... and Monday is a holiday... Martin Luther King Jr day... so it will be Tuesday before Mr Furnace Repair Guy can get the new part.... just our luck....
Oh and to make things just a bit better.... NOT.... it's supposed to get down in the single digits tomorrow and Monday night.....
But we have a great group of friends... within an hour of putting the word out that we needed some electric heaters.... we had 3 delivered to our front door.... so now the house isn't what I'd call "warm" but it is tolerable. Just have to keep a blanket over my legs when I'm in my chair.
So.... on the bright side... I got to spend the day with a couple great ladies in a nice little yarn shop.... Yarn on the Square....in Shelbyville.. We started a new knit along... the Norah Vintage Afghan... it's 20 different blocks, each made individually and sewn together to make an afghan... I am looking forward to do the blocks because I'm sure to learn a lot from the difference patterns. I'll do a post soon with more details and pictures of my yarn choices....
But in the meantime, please keep my household in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days as we try to stay warm and keep our water from freezing...
Until next time,