Saturday, January 17, 2015

One of those kind of days.....

We all have them! You know the ones....the days where NOTHING goes the way you want it to. Today was one of those days for me. Last night before bed, I wrote out my Saturday to do list. Just normal things really, but it included taking pictures of my 2 main knitting projects and my quilt blocks that I have been working on the last few days. Did it happen.....nope. So the post I had planned for today, well, it ain't going to happen today. Boo !! I'm not starting my blog out very well. Am I ??

Have you ever had days like this ??? I'd love to hear about them. Leave me a comment and tell me about your day.....good or bad !


Judyk2310 said...

I have them all of the time!!! Congrats on starting a blog.

Sue said...

Thank you Judy.